Saturday, May 19, 2012


You never hear people say 'let's go and see the Olive blossom.'  Cherry blossom in Kyoto or almond and citrus in Valencia are always a bigger draw.  But look more closely and a treat is in store.  From a distance the blossom blends in to the leaves.  Close up it is a delicate white petal with a soft yellow centre.  It sheds  its petals to the ground like confetti for a pixie wedding.  Now you are close take a longer look at this amazing tree.  Some say if you eat olives every day you will live forever.  Some say olive trees never die.  The olive tree of Vouves is known to be at least 2000 years old and may be more than 4000.  At this grand old age, or perhaps its middle age, it still produces olive some ambling time after its May blossom.  It is 4.6 metres wide and 12.5 metres measured round its waist.  Take a look at an olive tree next time you are near one.  You will see character, personality and a knowing presence that says 'I've seen a thing or two.'
Some people around you are like the olive tree.  You don't see them as the eye is distracted by the captivating colours of cherry or the nose is hooked by the scent of citrus.  But look again and make them a friend and you will live a life enriched that may possibly last forever.

1 comment:

  1. Ah Len - I am so haapy for you. At last, after all your searching you have found the true path to enlightment - the realisation that the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything is not 42 but lies in the reveration of the ultimate symbol of peace - the Olive Tree.

    The olive tree is the most majestic of trees; strong trunks gnarled with age, covered in soft light-green delicate leaves and bearing the fruit of one of nature's most natural and healthy foods. In the wild they stand, often alone, with dignity for many decades, typically on parched and rugged hillsides, shaped by blue skies and reddy/brown earth. As yet I have been unable to capture the majesty of a lone olive tree in these surroundings.
